What Kinds Of Car Accident Compensation Can I Pursue?
Contact our Kansas City car accident attorney to understand Missouri personal injury lawyer is vital to determining what kinds of damages an accident victim can pursue after suffering injuries in a car crash.
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What Kinds Of Car Accident Compensation Can I Pursue?

Oct 5, 2018 Townsend Law LLC Car Accident

Whether we like to admit it or not, we’re all human, and therefore, we all have pressing financial responsibilities. However, when someone suffers a common car accident injury following an automobile collision, those financial responsibilities skyrocket into the stratosphere.

It’s possible for someone to require millions of dollars worth of medical and surgical treatments after an auto accident with catastrophic injuries. Not all auto insurance policies can cover that level of medical expenses, let alone if the at-fault party is an uninsured motorist. Although most of what is considered car crashes to the letter do not incur a considerable amount of damage, there are a wide variety of damages caused by a car wreck. You may want to consider legal representation if you’re not the at-fault driver (the other person is the negligent driver in your motor vehicle accident). How much time has passed can matter in some cases, also known as the statute of limitations.

It is natural to want to know the value of your claim from your auto accident case (out-of-pocket expenses for immediate medical attention, costs of the claims process, ongoing medical care, or non-economic damages). We often hear the question, how much money can you get from a car accident? You can start by calling a car accident attorney to ensure you get the fair compensation needed to cover your medical bills, pain and suffering, and other damages from your car accident claim. Your legal rights in a drunk driving accident, a rear-end collision, or if someone runs a stop sign can all vary and make for a different personal injury case.

Missouri operates with comparative fault, dividing the fault and the award by percentage. Working with an experienced Kansas City car accident attorney can provide peace of mind. Our law office can provide legal advice on Missouri and Kansas personal injury cases, wrongful death cases, and other serious injury/catastrophic injury cases.

When you need a Kansas City car accident lawyer, call this phone number: 833-869-6529, and set up a free case evaluation with one of our auto accident attorneys today. We can help answer the question – how much money can you get from car accident compensation in Kansas City?


The Most Common Categories Of Car Accident Compensation

We often turn to insurance companies for financial compensation when we are in a car accident. However, when dealing with uninsured drivers or underinsured motorists, finding the financial compensation you need is not nearly as easy as you may have thought; and this is why car accident victims file personal injury claims; to procure accident compensation that was not covered by the policy limits by car insurance, medical insurance or other insurance claims.

The level of severity of the injuries sustained, if there is disfigurement, who is the at-fault party, medical treatments needed, permanent disability, and more can all work into the insurance claim, settlement offer, or what is offered in your car accident case.

Just as there are many causes of car accidents, here are the most common categories of car accident compensation:

Medical bills: If you need an MRI or CT scan after a catastrophic vehicle collision, that one medical service can be enough to bankrupt most accident victims. Add to this the likelihood of an ambulance ride, emergency room services, a hospital stay, surgeries, rehab, in-home health care, medications, and other medical expenses, and it’s easy to see why the average driver who suffers car accident injuries cannot afford these costs independently.

Pain and suffering: Pain and suffering come in the form of physical pain, emotional pain, and psychological pain. If you lose a limb, you could even suffer from phantom pain. Although it’s not easy to readily quantify this pain in dollars and cents, most civil law courts will consider ways of financially compensating accident victims for this pain and suffering. Disfigurement, permanent disability, and other lifelong injuries can all contribute to all of the types of pain and suffering you have to endure after serious car accidents.

Lost wages: Whether it’s temporary or permanent, a disabling injury will usually cause the victim to lose the ability to earn money in a normal job. In a personal injury claim, accident victims can pursue compensation for lost current and future wages relating to a disabling condition. If the disability is permanent, the loss of a lifetime’s worth of income could represent a considerable sum.

Property Damage: The serious car accident injuries that someone sustains are not the only thing that is damaged in a car accident. From your vehicle to personal items to homes, businesses, offices, and other property, you may have a claim to recover those damages under property damage claims when something is damaged due to someone’s negligence.

Loss of consortium: Loss of consortium damages relate to the many ways that spouses and close family members benefit from one another. According to the legal theories that support a claim for loss of consortium, spouses and close family members can be compensated for lost household services, lost care, lost affection, and loss of companionship that results when a loved one suffers a serious injury, and can be considered when seeing an accident settlement.

Investigate The Compensation  You Can Pursue In Your Unique Case

An in-depth understanding of Missouri personal injury law is vital to determining what kinds of damages an accident victim can pursue after suffering injuries in a car crash. If you suspect that you can pursue a viable claim, learn more about this important legal topic now.

You may also call the serious injury law firm of Townsend Law, LLC in the greater Kansas City metro. Our legal team can offer a free consultation to review your serious car accident and look at the value of your claim. We strive for a solid attorney-client relationship and know the importance of having a personal injury attorney that is invested in your success. The personal injury lawyers at Townsend Law, LLC have fought for their clients. They have experience in dealing with the at-fault driver‘s insurance company and your own insurance company, researching police reports to find all of the facts, and getting you the maximum compensation.


Contact us today to schedule your free case evaluation.


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