Head-On Collisions Accident

We know that the last thing on your mind when you leave the house each day is that you or a loved one might get into a vehicle crash, from a rear-end fender bender to someone swerving passed the center line and into oncoming traffic or getting t-boned at a red light. These horrific motor vehicle accidents can often cause serious injury or lead to wrongful death.

However, if that nightmare happens and you need a Kansas City head-on collision accident lawyer, we are ready to help. The knowledgeable and experienced team at Townsend Law, LLC is prepared to investigate what happened and work to secure the compensation you deserve. You and your family should not be put into financial jeopardy due to another person’s negligence.

What Can Happen In A Head-On Collision?

For the latest reporting year in Missouri, when looking at car accidents, we know that there were:

  • 146,726 total crashes
  • 1,016 crash fatalities
  • 52,100 crash injuries

Head-on collisions are among the worst types of car accidents we come across. They are among the deadliest types of car accidents a person can experience. A head-on crash often causes the following types of serious and catastrophic injuries:

Each of these injuries requires immediate emergency medical treatment, but that is not usually where the care stops. Head-on collision victims often need follow-up procedures or extensive rehabilitation to make a full recovery.

  • In many cases, head-on collision victims are permanently disabled.

We know that medical costs are only part of the picture. Accident victims often cannot work while they recover and lose the income they need to support their families. This is discovered and calculated when working on your injury claim when we gather evidence or may seek to have a specialist testimony, medical documents for a whiplash, records from the insurance adjusters, property damage reports, and other types of evidence our personal injury attorneys deem necessary for your injury case.

How Do These Incidents Happen?

All too often, our Kansas City car accident attorneys find that head-on collisions occur due to impaired/drunk drivers. For the latest reporting year in Missouri, more than 3,000 people were injured and over 200 people killed due to crashes involving drugged or drunk drivers. Impaired drivers often speed down the wrong side of the roadway, unaware they are in the wrong traffic lane.

We also know that distracted drivers can cause head-on collisions. When people pay more attention to their cell phones or other things inside their vehicles, they are not correctly watching the roadway. Distracted driving can be as deadly and lead to fatalities as drunk driving, leaving accident victims with serious personal injury.

This is where a law firm with years of experience in car accident cases can help provide peace of mind. The Kansas City car accident lawyers at Townsend Law, LLC offer free case evaluations for serious auto accidents, truck accidents, wrongful death, and other serious claims when a personal injury lawyer may help to seek the maximum compensation.

When working with a car accident attorney from our law firm, you can expect an excellent and caring client relationship and expert legal advice to help with your car accident claim. Call the head-on collision lawyer of Kansas City, Townsend Law, LLC.

What Your Attorney Will Do To Help?

What will you do in the event you or a loved one are in a head-on collision that was caused due to the careless or negligent actions of another person? At Townsend Law, LLC, you can count on having a team by your side. We will investigate this incident and handle all parties involved as we seek to determine who was at fault and whose insurance company is going to cover the damage and injury costs. Our law office’s goal is to ensure you have the maximum compensation you deserve for car accident case-related expenses. This can include things from the car crash such as:

  • Coverage of your medical bills
  • Compensation for lost income if you cannot work
  • Mental anguish damages
  • Loss of enjoyment of life damages
  • Possible punitive damages against those responsible

When you need a Kansas City head-on collision accident attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling us at 833-869-6529.

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