Burn Injury

Each year, approximately 1.25 million Americans seek medical attention for their burn injuries. The consequences of a burn injury can be catastrophic not only due to the pain and suffering caused by the burned layers of the skin but also to the emotional scars that can last for decades.

Burn injuries range in severity from first-degree (minor) to third-degree (the most severe). Many people sustain burn injuries due to the negligent, reckless, or irresponsible behavior or actions of other persons and entities.

Regardless of how your serious injury occurred, you may be entitled to compensation even if you think that you were to blame for the accident. Do not make assumptions until you consult a Kansas City burn injury attorney from Townsend Law, LLC.

Let us evaluate your situation and determine who is at fault for your burn injuries.

How Do Burn Injuries Occur?

A burn injury occurs when the skin tissue is damaged by chemicals, heat, sunlight, electricity, or nuclear radiation. Even a minor burn can cause a tremendous amount of pain. Surprisingly, the most severe injuries (third-degree) are not as painful due to nerve damage.

Many burn injuries can be prevented with adequate safety regulations, appropriate warnings, proper safety equipment, and responsible behavior.

When a burn injury results from someone else’s irresponsible behavior, recklessness, or negligence, the at-fault person should be held liable for the resulting damages and losses. In this situation, a Kansas City burn injury lawyer can help victims demand appropriate compensation from the at-fault party.

Types of Burn Injuries

Generally, burn injuries fall into three categories that are classified by the extent of damage to the layers of the skin:

  1. First degree. Typically, the most painful one is due to little to no damage to the nerves that transmit pain signals. First-degree burn injuries are associated with damage to the epidermis, the outer layer of the skin.
  2. Second-degree burns fall into two subtypes: Superficial and Deep. Superficial second-degree burns affect the skin tissue below the epidermis, while deep burns penetrate more deeply into the dermis. Superficial ones are characterized by moisture and pink color, while deep ones are dry and whitish.
  3. Third-degree. Typically, the victim does not feel pain because the nerves have been destroyed. Both the epidermal and dermal layers of the skin are damaged, while the skin looks charred and resembles a piece of leather.

Sources of Burns

There are also multiple sources of burn injuries:

  • Fire. A victim suffers a burn injury from direct contact with an open flame.
  • Flash. The injury occurs due to the rapid ignition of a flammable substance such as liquid or gas.
  • Contact. A person can suffer a contact burn when a blazing hot object comes in contact with the skin (for example, a kettle, pan, or cigarette).
  • Scalds. A person can suffer a scald injury or the so-called boiling water burn when the skin comes in contact with hot liquids.
  • Steam. When a person’s skin is exposed to extreme steam temperatures, he or she is at risk for a steam burn.
  • Electrical. An electrical burn wound can occur when electricity is passed through the skin tissue.
  • Chemical. When a person’s skin is exposed to caustic substances such as acid, he or she can suffer a chemical burn.

Consequences of Burn Injuries

A burn injury affects the skin, nerves, blood vessels, muscles, and even bones. A burn is not just some visible damage to the skin, as other consequences and effects of burn injuries can include:

  • Permanent scars
  • Disfigurement
  • Emotional distress
  • Pain and suffering
  • Psychological damage
  • Damage to the nerves and muscles
  • Infection

You can get compensated for the damages and losses you have endured due to your burn injury. Let our Kansas City burn injury attorney investigate your case and help you prove that another party’s negligence, recklessness, or carelessness caused irreparable or severe harm.

Contact Townsend Law, LLC, for a free case evaluation. Call at 833-869-6529 or fill out our short contact form right now.

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