Sports Injury

If you or someone you love is active, and into sports, we know you do what you can to be safe. However, there may come a time when a personal injury occurs, and you need help from our Kansas City sports injury attorneys. If another person’s careless or negligent actions cause you or a loved one to sustain a sports injury, our law firm is here to help and offer legal advice on your sports injury case.

At Townsend Law, LLC, we will be dedicated to investigating what happened so we can secure the compensation you need for all of your injury-related expenses. If you are in the Missouri or Kansas City area and you or a loved one have experienced a sports injury, please contact our law firm for a free consultation.

What We Know Can Happen

When you play a sport or allow your child to play a sport, you take an assumption of risk. This means that you know there are certain risks of danger to that activity, particularly if a contact sport is involved. When a child plays a sport, a parent will typically sign a waiver of consent for them to do so, stating that they know there are risks involved.

While most sports injuries are accidents, we know they are not all a result of that assumed risk you decided to take. Sports injuries are often caused by someone else’s reckless or careless behavior. These are the types of injuries you cannot predict. Even worse, there are times when sports injuries happen as a result of another persons intentional harm, actions someone takes designed to cause harm, or even wrongful death.

Intentional harm in sports can take various forms and have a variety of common causes. One example of this is:

  • A football player getting stepped on, struck, or kicked after a play is over and have a spinal cord injury inflicted on them or another. While football is a contact sport, intentionally harming someone is not the same as a legal tackle.

We also know that sports team operators have a duty to ensure that participants have the proper safety equipment necessary for that sport. Failing to do so can cause a player to sustain serious injuries.

A Note on Concussions

We know that anyone who plays contact sports, particularly children, is susceptible to concussions. There are an estimated 1.6 to 3.8 million sports-related concussions in the US each year. It is vital that coaches and sports staff follow proper concussion protocol to prevent a mild injury from becoming a serious traumatic brain injury.

Time to Move Forward From Here

While we all know there are risks associated with playing sports, that does not mean you should ever have to worry about another person’s careless or negligent actions. At Townsend Law, LLC, we are ready to help if you or a loved one have suffered from a sports injury. Let our knowledgeable and experienced team get to work to ensure we are within the statute of limitations, and our law firm can start investigating this incident so we can secure the compensation you and your family members need, including:

  • Coverage of medical expenses
  • Recovery of lost wages if you are unable to work
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Loss of enjoyment of life damages
  • Possible punitive damages against the negligent party

Contacting a legal team and developing an attorney-client relationship, receiving legal advice from a law firm with years of experience in injury cases, and those who can deal with the insurance company and other concerns with injury cases can be a huge benefit to the victims and their loved ones.

Your injury claim can extend well beyond the medical bills and expenses incurred due to this potentially catastrophic injury. It is also possible to have a medical malpractice case if there were additional injuries or damages suffered as a result of medical negligence endured during the required medical care due to the sports injury suffered by the injury victim. A free case evaluation can help determine who is at fault and general information purposes.

If you need a Kansas City sports injury lawyer, you can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling us at 833-869-6529.

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